Ultra Dragon Ball Wiki

Bojack is an antagonist in the Dragon Ball franchise, and a secondary antagonist of both the Dragon Ball Super: The Lone Wolf Saga and Dragon Ball Redux: Rise of the Makaioshin story lines. While there are slight differences in his background in both story lines, the core details remain the same. In both, he is a member of the Hera race, and leader of the Galaxy Soldiers.


In the Lone Wolf Saga, Bojack maintains his typical appearance, depicted as having a muscular build and resembles something of a gypsy-pirate. His skin is colored teal, his long hair is orange, and he has a long scar scaling his face. Bojack has a maximum-power transformation which renders his skin chartreuse, his hair red and his muscle mass increased over the top. His outfit is also shredded by the transformation.

In the Dragon Ball Redux story line, Bojack's appearance is significantly different. His hair appears spikier than before (similar in style to a Super Saiyan 3), and instead of his black band hat, he wears a thick headband. In addition, he wears a dark blue long coat and brown pants, all with golden buckles. He has an x-shaped scar on his torso as well as an additional horizontal scar across his nose, showcasing the various battles he has been in within his universe.


Bojack is bloodthirsty, arrogant, and cruel. Upon revealing himself to Yamcha, he expresses excitement at being able to murder again since his sealing, mentioning that it had been a long time since he "snapped someone's neck". According to King Kai, his appetite for genocide is insatiable, having raised hell in all four galaxies in Universe 7, and Yamcha states that his demeanor reminds him of King Piccolo. He is also equally headstrong, asking the Earthling if he has any last words before he dies, and is even unafraid of the true power of Beerus the Destroyer due to believing him to be nothing more than a myth.

Not unlike Vegeta's devotion to Saiyan pride, Bojack is extremely prideful of his own race. He remarks that Saiyans are nothing compared to the "almighty Race of Hera" to their face. However, his track record with his own Hera Clan subordinates appears to be less than exemplary, as evidenced by him gleefully sacking Zangya in an attempt to sneak-attack Yamcha. This suggests he leads by some form of intimidation and does not forgive cowardice. Ironically, Bojack is also shown to be somewhat of a coward. Killing Zangya indicates he would rather let his "allies" fall one by one than face the enemy himself. When struggling to make headway against Lupine, upon the latter's transformation, his murderous grin all but vanishes upon realizing he has no chance against the Okurian, reduced to screaming death threats in vain.

In Dragon Ball Redux, his grudge against the Kaioshin of Universe 10 is prominent, being disgruntled by the presence of Gowasu and the universe's strongest fighter, Pikkon, as they were responsible for stopping his group's rampage throughout the galaxy. And while he is willing to fight for the survival of his universe, he is also shown being disappointed with the knowledge that he won't be able to kill anyone in the tournament. However, during the tournament, Bojack is shown being sadistic against many of his opponents, not above torturing them purely for entertainment, rather than eliminating them right away as Pikkon was doing. His group's teamwork, along with his and Pikkon's raw strength, does enable their universe to perform relatively well.




Bojack is a ruthless Hera clansman who would stop at nothing to conquer the universe. He and the other Galaxy Soldiers committed most of their genocidal tendencies in the Dormideous Sector, rioting across the universe and laying waste to the north, south, west, and eastern galaxies until he was stopped by being locked inside of a star by the four Kais of the universe.


Dragon Ball Super: The Lone Wolf Saga[]


In his base form, Bojack was easily able to overpower both the Namekian Cargo (who had been training in extreme gravity and had been taught the Kaioken, alongside other Namekian warriors) and the Okurian prince, Lupine, with help from his fellow soldiers. Prior to being sent to planet Namek, he remarks on the prospect of one fighting and overthrowing Cooler, and seizing status as the reigning emperor of the universe for himself. He is later shown defeating Yamcha, who himself had trained in extreme gravity, mastered the Kaioken, and had his potential unlocked. Believing that he and his crew had decimated the rest of the Namekians, Bojack and his henchmen return to planet Cooler, with Yamcha in tow who they deliver to Dr. Raichi for his experiments. Later, when Lupine and the Namekians follow them to planet Cooler to rescue their human ally, Bojack faces off with Lupine once again. This time, the battle is more evenly matched, with Bojack eventually being forced to transform to his full power state. However, Lupine reveals that he also has a transformation, and reveals that he finally mastered a technique that would allow him to use it to its fullest. After transforming, Lupine is able to gain the upper hand, and eventually succeeds in defeating Bojack, with help from Cargo.

Dragon Ball Redux: Rise of the Makaioshin[]


Similar to his other iterations, Bojack alone in his base form is an extremely powerful opponent, with the Kaioshin of his universe not being willing to release him for fear that he will not cooperate. However, upon being released and being informed of the stakes for the Tournament of Power, Bojack initially agrees to fight, only on the condition that he be granted his freedom should they be victorious. Once the tournament begins, he is able to showcase his power and eliminate a number of individuals, though he does not distinguish friend from foe if they get in his way. He eventually does manage to fight against members of universe 7, primarily Gohan and Piccolo (both of whom were fighting in their ultimate forms), who he's able to gain the upper hand against with help from his Galaxy Soldiers. However, after Gohan and Piccolo receive help from members of their own universe, he is ultimately eliminated along with his soldiers, and eventually his universe is erased.



Flight - The ability to fly with the use of ki.

Ki Blast - The most basic form of energy wave.

Chaotic Tyrant - Bojack right-hooks the opponent and proceeds with a double axe handle. Next, he kicks the opponent in the air and finishes with a left hook kick away, inflicting a great deal of damage.

Bear Hug - The user's arms are wrapped around the opponent, with the opponent's arms sometimes pinned to their body. The user's hands are locked around the opponent, who is held tightly to the user's chest. Although intended to be a torture hold, it can also be used as a restraining technique to pin an opponent long enough for their allies to attack.

Grand Smasher - First, Bojack raises his hand toward the opponent and forms a big, bright-green energy sphere. Then, he fires the attack at his opponent by drawing his hand a little backwards, only to thrust it forward at high speed. The Grand Smasher flies at the opponent in form of a big, green ball with a short, green flaming tail, inflicting a huge amount of damage.

  • Reverse Launcher - Bojack starts the attack by firing a small green energy sphere at his opponent. Regardless of if the attack is successful, Bojack reappears behind the opponent in their blind spot and fires another energy sphere at them upside down, dealing a huge amount of damage.
  • Galactic Blow - Bojack flies toward the opponent as he charges a Grand Smasher in his hand. He then places the Grand Smasher over the opponent's chest and causes it to explode, blasting the opponent away and inflicting a great deal of damage.
  • Dirty Criminal - Bojack rapidly moves behind the opponent, pushes the opponent forward and fires a Grand Smasher through them, inflicting a huge amount of damage.
  • Galactic Tyrant - Bojack charges at the opponent and elbows them. He then catches them by their leg and throws them up into the air. Next, he moves up in the air and punches the opponent twice before grabbing and headbutting them on their head. Finally, Bojack teleports to the opponent and upside-down kicks them down to the ground, inflicting a massive amount of damage.

Cosmic Bomber - Bojack charges a Full Power Energy Ball with both hands over his head and throws it at his opponent.

Psycho Barrier - A technique used to generate an energy shield around the user to protect them from attacks.

Galactic Buster - Bojack puts his hands together in front of himself and charges a large, green energy sphere. Then, he spreads his arms out at his sides, splitting the single sphere into two, and finally throws his hands downward to fire the energy spheres in the form of two energy waves at the opponent, inflicting a massive amount of damage.


Full Power[]

Full Power Heran

Bojack's Race of Hera transformation displayed in Bojack Unbound is similar to the Super Saiyan transformation. His skin turns from blue to green, his hair turns red, and his strength and power greatly increase.
